Friday, July 06, 2007

The Joy of "Nothing"

Any point of time there will be so many activities happening at every point of the world. Everyday all the newspapers in the world is filled with one or the other news. Well! We are always concerned with the activities happening around each one of us, because that is what we see and that is what that influences us.

On one fine day, just like today it would have happened like this, my car has broken down in the middle of the way, I am late to office, I have three meetings today, I have slipped my deadline past 2 weeks, I have lost a project which I was supposed to get, my boss is troubling me for not performing well, I have to fill my tax returns form and invest for mutual funds(don't know a damn about it), my personal loan is not yet approved, I have to pay the debts of my housing loan, I had a fight with my girl friend, I have to wash and iron my clothes and get a new pair of shoes, I have to prepare for CAT, I have to go and attend a function of my relative, which is so boring to attend, My mobile is ringing all the time, I don't want to talk with that guy but then I get 3 calls from him, I have finish my dinner soon as I have a call at night to attend............ on and on and on. (In the above sentences "I" is as an example as me, all these are not happening with me today). So many things are clogged in my mind that it is impeding me to live Life and know what Life is all about.

Imagine how would it be to spend a day without a clock or watch or any timing device anywhere in the house or room. Mobiles, landline is all shut off. There is no one to disturb you or talk with you on anything. When you get up on this day nothing comes in your mind, there is absolutely nothing to be done today. Today I am totally free from everything. There are no sad memories or instances that is bothering me today, I have no plans or apprehensions for tomorrow. Suddenly it is appearing to me that the world has come to a standstill for me.

Wow! Now this is the "Joy of Nothing".

In this state of mind, the day would start like this. The brain would impulse the eyes to open, when it is tired of the rest and not by the way the sleep is interrupted by the ring of the alarm with a big snooze button. When you get up and look at the window outside a thought will arise in your mind saying what a beautiful day. As you sip the coffee watching at the birds singing, kids playing, trees fluttering their leaves, cool breeze then suddenly realize "whether all these things were there yesterday?" Then just start doing whatever that comes to your mind or do the things which you wanted to do since a very long time. Read a book, go for a long drive, eat a great food, meet and spend all the time with whom you want to, watch a good movie, take a stroll in the evening, ah! there is no end to this list. What a bliss it is to spend a day like this!

I just got a glimpse of this joy of nothing, as I had taken leave for 2 days with no reason. The reason I gave for myself before applying for leave was, Man! I have been working on every working day since 5 months. I am back to office now.

Now it is like this: There is nothing called nothing....................


8Mile said...

Sumtimes I do feel that Nothing is everything. Imagine a sunday when all the clocks around the globe suddenly dissapears and the day never ends. Time dimension will vanish and busy life will come to an end giving us power to note every minute detail around us that we ignore in our day to day life. Beauty will come to life then...which just exist for the time being.
You have written it so well, chutti leke accha kaam kiya tu :-)

Anonymous said...

hi srini..

very wise thoughts..sometimes even i feel like if the earth stops rotating wat wud happen.?

The frustation of a human mind always penetrates such weird and impossible questions in our mind?

Its our own responsibilty to feed healthy thoughts to our any exciting thing other than office work..
It may help a lot...and ya rest is so important..