Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Storm, Snow, Ice, Bore

Weather weather weather. I wonder whether weather is so important. Actually for the people like us who live just near to the Tropic of Cancer(Geography pada hai na 5th or 7th I don't know) we always have such a good weather. We just don't realize that we have a good weather untill and unless we are out of our place and see some crazy weather at the extreme north and extreme south fo the globe. Kansas being in the mid of no-where on US maps has very volatile weather, more volatile than a girls' mind(Now why girls' mind are volatile or all are not like that, I don't know; don't ask me all that. Just feel that their mind are volatile).

You know what! when any two US people meet the one think they start the conversation with is about weather. Hey! How you doing? How is the weather at your end. People tend to speak hours together about weather. Then when they see weird faces like ours they ask how about the weather in India, How is the weather in Bangalore. Then we start calculating in our mind 27 degree celsius which means F = 9/5C + 32. Are the F and C at right places? Is it 9/5 or 5/9. I think it should be plus 32 because Fahrenheit is a bigger number(wah logic), ah! 9/5 * 27 ah! too complex formula man!. Shit! I have to appear for CAT, can't I calculate such a small thing in mind. Hey! People are still waiting and watching your face expecting a answer about the temperature and weather. Oh! Forget about the formula, just guess a number we keep doing a lot of guess work at many places. Yeah! Our weather doesn't vary too much, just the people vary a lot. Somewhere from 70 degree F to 90 F. Anyway they are not going to come to India and check the weather. They say we have 60 F now, which is kind of very good. Again for my understanding how much is it in Celcius. Is it C = 5/9(F-32)? Who cares. I just feel bored to speak about weather.

Over here there is a weather channel or should I say like that every channel speaks about weather. People in office here have live Doppler Radar graphs on their screens. They have live temperature update. Any plans to any tour they first check the forcast. In fact they check the forcast everyday before coming to office. Hell! man.

Actually past a week here the weather is totally changing. I didn't check the website or watched any tv news about weather. In fact there was a snowfall here on the day just before the Thanksgiving Day. And then actually there was good amount of snowfall on last Thursday. Was it Thursday or Friday, I don't remember. Anyway so everyone in office told that there is going to be a huge snowfall today. Oh! is it? how do you know, forcast, weather update mail. Just a day before everything was green and sunny. When I got out of my office, man! Kansas looked totally different. Everything changed in a day. Even though there was no sunlight, it looked so bright everywhere. Everything was covered with snow. It was like a white bedsheet is thrown all over. Even my car with more than 3 inch of snow. Feel like this setup should be untouched to protect its beauty. Then when cars and start rolling on the roads the snows gets dirty with mud and sand and becomes the ugly grey. So last weekend it was all cold and snow, I couldn't go anywhere. I spent the whole saturday just in home. It was just good to watch from window, but was very boring to stay home. Even it happens there when it is raining heavily, you just can't go anywhere and have to stick in home. It gets really boring sometimes if you are alone.

Soon after this snow face was over, one more strange event in weather. Ice Storm! This doesn't mean that huge cones of ice are going to hit the ground with the blow of the wind. It is actually that it starts raining and temperature starts dipping down and down to the freezing point. Then the water on the trees, roads, boards, builings, cars, obviously everthing starts freezing to form ice. Water over ice freezes again and just forms the accumulation of ice. I have some pictures of it. It looks so amazing. Man! I kind of saw all kinds of weather being here. Morning when I was driving to work I was feeling like driving in the Montreal circuit, Canada. I haven't driven there, but this was a circuit in game Need for Speed.

Finally what! Nothing.
Moral of the story is Snow, Ice, Storms are just good to see, but boring weather to live.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.