I had a confusion in my mind since a long time. In December I was thinking thinking and finally didn't execute it. Nothing great! It was just that iPod vs iTouch vs iPhone. My brother was more on to iTouch. It is cool and looks damn good.
Well! the thing is iPod classic has 80GB costs $250 and iTouch $300. If I take iPod I can store lots and lots of data, songs and movies. In iTouch I just get 8GB seems to be less. I don't want to pay another $100 just to get 16GB iTouch. But I have 500GB hard-disk. I can watch movies in iPod too. What else is great in iTouch, nothing more just Wifi and calculator and other stuff. How much to I use these Wifi stuff in India. If I setup the WiFi network in India, I would rather use laptop to browse the net rather than doing it on iTouch. One more thing is that if I take iPhone then iTouch would become redundant. I don't want to take iPhone from here, by breaking that AT&T contract and do the exercise of cracking it for Indian mobile network. I would be at the risk of guarantee of iPhone.
Yesterday was a Good Friday, So I thought I should do something good. In the evening went to Plaza and then to the Apple Store. Apple store always looks so good, everything white looks royal, sleek, Hifi(Wifi was there) and techno atmosphere. Especially the new MAC Air is just awesome so thin. Then focusing on my requirement I went to the place where iPods were kept because the store was about to close in another half an hour. I went on with initial thing of pressing all the buttons and hearing bits and pieces of what was there in iPods. I was thinking white iPods looks better than black iPods. It was good.
Then turned towards the place where lots of iTouch were kept. iTouch welcomed to its interface with a big screen. It just looked awesome, big screen, so sensitive, all 3D glossy icons, the maps, calci, safari browser, music quality, photo viewer. The interface is just too good, you can pinch it and anti pinch it(I don't know what is the opposite word) for zoom in and zoom out. Just for satisfaction I checked my gmail on it, luckily it went to my actual mail account. It is like a big room inside (a web page or anything) and you can just by moving your fingers you can reach the ends of the pages top down left right. Man! This damn whole thing impressed me a lot.
iTouch: Hey! How am I?
Srini: Too good man! Steve Job and your engineers have worked a lot on you to the most minute details.
iTouch: What do you think, I am better than iPod
Srini: Yeah! I am feeling but space, and your big brother iPhone and all....
iTouch: Man! Don't think too much, For everything so much analysis, you feel good about me, just take it, I will be loyal to you :). Moreover see I am new and cool, iPod by its name 'classic' it is pushed back to old age now.
Srini: Ok! Da! enough of your marketing, I will buy you now.... :)
So my credit cards was swiped just like that and iTouch was in my hand. My friend exclaimed Welcome to the iPod family!. Get out! you are telling as if Steve Jobs is your uncle(He has a iPod that's why all this style). Well! One more thing, iTouch or iPhone is not the Resistive touch screen unlike kiosk, PDA, ATM machines. It uses the Capacitive touchscreen technology where a thin film conducts continuous current to the sensor. You know human body is also like a electrical device, your finger touch would create a capacitive field and this change is the capacitive field it create distortion which can be used to execute an action. That's why iTouch or iPhone works with your fingers only not with stylus or even your hands with gloves. If you don't understand don't bother or ask questions back to me, this is just to show off that I am electronics engineer hahaha :D.
End of the Day "I touched the iTouch"...
kya baat hain sab itouch ke deewane ho gaye hain.. My frnd has it.. its really cool.
congrats for owning it.
its a real showoff stuff... Flaunt it hardd
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